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New data protection rules affecting The Gild.



On 25th May 2018 new GDPR rules come into force to supersede the current Data Protection Act and the Gild needs to be compliant.

To do this we will only keep personal data for current members consisting of names, addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses (when supplied). Our legitimate interest for holding this data is that, without it we cannot service your membership and advise you

of any events.

We will seek your consent to continue to hold your data and we assure you that your data will never be sold or shared with anyone outside the Gild. You are always entitled to see your personal details that we hold and may instruct us to delete it if you wish. Of course, we will not be

able to service your membership without your data and your membership would automatically cease.


This can be done by contacting the Clerk to the Gild,Douglas Crumpton,98 Sundorne Road, Shrewsbury,SY1 4RS.


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